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Encrypted voice communication using SecureGSM on the Windows Mobile platform.

The aspects of personal information security are always of increased interest in every society. A priority of every person is to protect his private information and keep that information from dissemination. Consequently there is always a category of people who has interested in that confidential information. Within day to day life there are often gossips and rumors in circulation which may be troublesome but not critical for people who are influential in society (either commercially or politically). The dissemination of such confidential information can often be disastrous either in a direct or figurative sense. Therefore certain members of society are concerned about the preservation of confidentiality while others do their best to get the necessary information for whatever reason or use. It is certainly not a secret that the most vulnerable aspect of providing secrecy is the process of data transmission. Since this review focuses on the security of voice traffic transmitted via cellular communication and does not concern itself with systems of secret observation, we will take a look at the program which allows the preservation of confidentiality when talking on a cell phone, namely SecureGSM™ Pro.

Software product – SecureGSM™ Pro.

The manufacturer is SecureGSM, www.securegsm.com, the way of distribution is commercial ware. The price is $190. The distribution rights of the program in Russia and Ukraine belong to the company «NewPalper Inc.», www.securegsmrus.com.

Program functionality.

The program encrypts voice with the use of a layered triple encryption mechanism based on the AES, Twofish and Serpent algorithms in real time, using a Diffie-Hellman 256 bit key. None of the applied algorithms is susceptible to decryption. As for being more specific about the effort needed to break this kind of encryption, well, the financial and temporal costs for decryption make this process practically not viable. I am not a specialist in the field of cryptography and cannot judge professionally the compliancy of those algorithms; however the fact that the creators have announced a competition in decoding of an encrypted conversation is indirect evidence of their resistance. As an award there were $10 000. Nevertheless, the prize for decoding was unclaimed.

The list of compatible devices is constantly increasing. Recently the support of HTC Prophet and Charmer was announced. In March a Smartphone version based on WM5.0 (devices similar to Qtek 8310) will be available. The complete list of supported devices is available on the manufacturer’s Web site.

Available versions.

For evaluation and testing purposes, a free “light” version is available from the manufacturers Web site, aptly named SecureGSM™ Evaluation. This “light” version is a fully functional product with a significantly reduced security mechanism,

To get access to the full-scale version it is necessary to login on the website and pay for the program. When distributing the program there are some limitations:

  1. The program cannot be sold, leased or transferred to the use of government or military organizations without the official permission of the Department of Defense of Australia.
  2. The program is not distributed to the following countries: Cuba, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Syria.
  3. When registering, the end user of the product must supply their personal information: name, actual address, e-mail, phone number.

Installation of the program.

Installation of the program is via a standard ActiveSync setup or using a cab file directly on the device. The installation path is recommended to be in the non-volatile memory area of the device (Storage). Therefore, in a situation when forced to do a hard reset of the device, all that is required to restore the program to full functionality is to run the executable file via Explorer. At that moment, all settings, even the launch icon in the menu Programs are restored. Such a method of program recovery is part of the manufacturer’s intimate knowledge of the device and operating system and is the first time we have seen such functionality implemented in a Windows Mobile product.

At first launch a device identification file is created in the program folder which is sent to the manufacturer for licensing (activation). After checking the registration information the modified ID file and license file are sent to the user; it is necessary to copy those files to the program folder on the device. The license considers hardware features of the specific device. Transferring the program to another communicator is possible only with the consent of the manufacturer and can be made by revocation of the previous license and getting a new one.

Program settings.

In the lower part of the main window there is an option menu and quick access icons to various functionalities. Volume control of alert, microphone sensitivity, program access from the standard contacts list and automatic launch on communicator start-up are available from the general settings area of the program. When personal information managers (Pocket Informant, Agenda Fusion, SPB Diary, etc.) are installed, a direct dial with the SecureGSM program is present as one of the options.

The program uses the CSD protocol and therefore the corresponding service should be activated with the carrier. Generally this protocol is used for data or fax transmission. If there is an additional number when service activated, it is better to use it for calls in secure mode, though the carried out experiments have shown the possibility of calling to the primary number. The default device CSD settings are usually set at 9600 bps (v.32) which should be changed to 9600 (v.110). At that setting, the quality of voice communication noticeably improves. The rest of the icons in the lower part of the window allow making a voice call, getting into the messaging screen, opening the default contact list, sound settings and the online help.

Working with the program.

For a secure call it is necessary for the program to be installed on both terminals. The telephone number can be dialed directly from the keypad or activated from the address book. If the software is not installed, or the CSD channel is unavailable, an alert is shown on the display, stating that the call cannot be established. In the case when the program is installed on both terminals, the process of establishing a connection consists of several stages. After receiving an incoming call alert, a negotiation stage is completed followed by an exchange of dynamic keys. Finally a picture containing a geometrical figure and a digital code is shown in the displays of both devices. This picture is always generated dynamically in real time. We arranged several communication sessions in secure mode – every time the picture and the digital code was different from the previous call but they were always the same in both devices. Before enabling secure mode the only requirement is to confirm with the interlocutor that the information presented is identical on both devices. As long as the information on this screen is identical on both devices, it is safe to proceed with communications.

The logic behind this algorithm is to ensure that an unknown party cannot get “in the middle” to listen in on the conversation – the interlocutor is always known. Possible voice distortions when using the CSD protocol should be anticipated beforehand – and in that case I suggest a few practice sessions before carrying on with secret negotiations.

There is an extra and unique way of communicating within the program – the capability of short message exchange in secure mode. This functionality helps protect against the use of directional microphones and device fitted bugs. Switching to the message exchange window is simply a matter of clicking the corresponding icon. Earlier this possibility has never yet existed in a software product. One can judge the convenience of this functionality simply through an attempt to reproduce, by voice, a simple key such as, for example: IASHER-HDTRIEU-HDTERIOTR-SHDGFGERT- SGKJHIS.

General remarks and conclusions.

The quality of communication is quite satisfactory. The voice of interlocutor is heard clearly; noise and echo are minimized. A quite natural attribute when working with the program is the use of a headset – it is more convenient to talk and to exchange messages with its assistance. In the conlusion of the review I will venture to make some remarks not concerning the description of the program. Probably law experts will consider important making their remarks.

  1. Legal fundamentals of using encryption algorithms

According to the legislation of Russian Federation (Belarus), programs assigned for personal use do not require certification. Moreover, only domestic products, which this program is not, to are subject of certification. The manufacturer office is located in Melbourne, Australia. This program also does not come up against the demands of SORM – an operator is obliged to provide unimpeded access of special services to its equipment. This, of course is only applicable and specific to the Russian Federation and ex-Soviet countries only. According to the statement of specialists in the case of the necessity of the filtering of subscribers, using such programs does not cause any technical complicacy on the part of the operator.

To specify the position of an operator in the aspect of limiting the use of CSD channels, a corresponding question was formulated. I would like to emphasize that the question was put to Minsk operator Velcom; those who would like to identify the position of their own cellular communication operators can do so independently. The content of the inquiry and answer are below.


Good afternoon.
Do the legal limitations for using the CSD channel exist? If so, what are they (with references to the corresponding statutory acts)? Is the operator allowed to deactivate the service of data transmission in a one-sided way? If so, in which cases? There are no statements about it in the contract.
Thank you.

And the answer.

Dear Victor!
Providing the service «Data transmission» JV LC «MCS» gives the technical possibility (transport) for data exchange between the network user and Internet resources or other devices for data transmission. When using the service CSD data transmission is realized via standard voice channel.

The communication services (including the service Data transmission) can be deactivated by the operator in the cases provided by the regulations of the contract concluding between you and JV LC «MCS». The company has the right to block the access to GSM network for the client in the following cases:

  • if the resources on the balance of payment (front money) is used completely (subparagraph 3.7 of the contract):
  • when technical damage of the equipment of the company (subparagraph 3.10.1 of the contract);
  • when preventive activity is carrying out (subparagraph 3.10.2 of the contract);
  • in case of vis major (subparagraph 6.1 of the contract).

In all other cases regarding the contract, the rendering of communication services of GSM standard JV LC «MCS» follows the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Best regards, Department of client servicing, Velcom

  1. The vulnerability of the algorithms to “break-in” – I am not a specialist, but the encryption algorithms used are considered to be unbreakable.
  2. Alternative ways of information interception do not concern the program directly. If the budget of the ”attacker” is limited only by imagination, it is possible to invent a large amount of ways of alternative information interception which are not connected directly with the program “break-in”. The program also cannot protect from personal interrogation. Any attempts to modify the program code by direct penetration in the mobile device can be checked with the assistance of a special tool, freely available to all customers.
  3. Alternative ways of protecting data transmission. The existing hardware (at the moment of writing of the review) such as the phone Atlas has a much higher cost. The advantage of such cryptophones is the state certification.


  1. The program is available to lawful citizens who would like to protect their phone conversations from unauthorized people.
  2. This program does not have analogs.
  3. The cost of a leak of confidential information would be much greater than the cost of purchasing the program itself.
  4. The Evaluation version of the software is available for testing and evaluation purposes, but should not be considered as a viable means of protection (easily defeated).

The program was tested on the communicator Qtek S110 provided by the company Vobis. The full-scale version of the program (SecureGSM™ Pro) is available from the manufacturer.

Viktor Dashkevich (viktor.dashkevich@mobile-review.com)
Translated by Kira Efimova (kira.efimova@mobile-review.com)

Published - 09 June 2006

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