Motorola v150 or a potential bestseller of entry-level price segment
Soon Motorola will officially unveiled v150, which will become the cheapest phone of v-series. Two events preceded launching of this phone. On the one hand, Motorola v50 Lite had high sales, it was the cheapest clamshell of this manufacturer and the cheapest phone of this form-factor on the European market. On the other hand, the company needs to save current technological platforms, prolong their life cycle. Taking into account these two facts, Motorola decided to create v150. Originally it was presumed that the handset would be marked as v100. According to the current classification this index reflects the position of the phone in the line in the best way. But the model with this index has already existed, so, the company decided to change the name before launching.
Motorola v150 made in the same way as Motorola v50: the same contours, recognized silhouette. Well-known exterior covers Motorola C350, it was decided to prolong life cycle namely of this model. It is necessary to remember that until recently Motorola C350 was the cheapest phone with a color screen. Its sales were very high and estimated as 40% of total Motorola’s sales (according to Mobile Research Group). Original C350 lost rivals in terms of functionality, but offered color screen for small price. Namely this factor was the determinant one while choosing the handset.
The company focused on the same factors producing v150. It will be the cheapest clamshell phone equipped with a color screen. After short time of usage you would understand that it is a copy of the Ñ350, all functions are absolutely same.
Nevertheless, few details were improved in v150. For example, C350 doesn’t have a loud ringer. If you look at v150, you will see several holes, made for loudspeaker of the ringer. We can’t say that volume was considerably increased but the melodies became a louder.
The other peculiarity of construction is caused by location of the loudspeaker. System connector is placed on the top of the phone now, as well as handsfree connector. Certainly, v150 has mini USB slot, which became standard for the phones from Motorola. Charger connector is located on the side of the handset. If you look at the bottom of the phone, you won’t find anything there.
Shipments of this model would begin in the middle of September. An expected price for end consumer is about 120-125 USD. Taking into account price policy of the company, we can presume that in the future price for this model would reduce. Life cycle of this phone would last about one year or even longer. In the end of life cycle this clamshell would cost about 70-75 USD.

Now Motorola v150 has no competitors (clamshell phones with color screen). First rivals will appear only in November-December, probably made by the companies of the third group (not market leaders). It means that they won’t be very demanded in the market. And we should wait for launching of Motorola v200, Motorola v250, which will offer richer functionality compared to described above model and take a transitional position between v150 and Motorola v300. Whether they are real, we’ll see in the future, we expect that they will be available or at least officially unveiled not earlier than in February or March 2004.
You can know about all functions of Motorola v150 reading this review>>