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Review ViewSonic Pocket PC V35

It seems that the release of pocket computers became a new fashionable hobby among the companies, engaged in manufacture of computer hardware. And, if earlier similar thing could presume to itself only a few, now with development of this market, the hobby of handheld computers became practically epidemic. It is insulting only the further, the less pocket computers of various marks differ from each other, they have less personal features for the sake of which the user can prefer one model to another. Moreover are already known cases of doubles pocket computers - absolutely identical devices which are released under different marks (for example, pocket computers NEC and MITAC).

There are some reasons of similar unification. First, not all companies are ready, as for example, Hewlett Packard, spending money for their own developments - it's more easier to take something ready, second, the operational system Pocket PC 2002 strongly limits manufacturers in use of component parts for pocket computers, and third, the number of manufacturers of these component parts is not so much in the world to provide the sufficient variety of pocket devices.

Brief background

First, about half-year ago, there was news, that, ViewSonic Company has released a pocket computer which will turn the market! I concerned well to ViewSonic Company well, therefore began to wait for occurrence of miracle-computer in Russia.

Months have passed and, the first batch comes to our shop … and it appears sold out in one moment with some improbable speed, and so is fast, that I even have not time to look at the device. In parallel, enthusiastic responses are heard. You did not hold in hands ViewSonic handheld computer? You don't say! It's the miracle - device. Easy, beautiful, with crazy screen, it is a lot better than other pocket computers of this class! My God, what birdies! Only for birdies I'll prefer this computer to another, for only birdies!

I waited for the following batch already near doors of the warehouse …

And now here is the desired box in my hands, I bring it to the place, unpack and … in general the pocket computer ViewSonic V35 has not pleased me at all, more precisely - it has left me absolutely indifferent.

So, what we have

The standard kit includes the pocket computer, cradle, charger, soft cover, user's guide, CD with software. Nothing outstanding, however, there is everything necessary for normal work.

The pocket computer does not differ at all from the majority of the devices presented in the market everything is standard. The design has not made impression on me too - the computer is too square and thus the forward silvery panel contrasts with black back.

On the forward panel, as well as it is necessary, locate application call hardware buttons plus four-item joystick. Below, under the joystick and buttons, on the right locate the loudspeaker (loud enough) and the microphone (usual sensitivity). On the right above the screen - two LED's, indicators of alarm clock and batteries charge.

At the top end face the button of switch on and infra-red port were placed, on the right top-down: scrolling wheel, button of dictophone activization, hole for "reset" button. The right end face is occupied by headphones jack, and the bottom, as well as it is necessary, is occupied by the socket for periphery and the jack for power-supply adapter.

On the back cover is located the switch of hard reset, precisely the same, as well as in Rover PC P3 handheld computer and Mitac Mio 338, this directs to some ideas about the origin of RGR from ViewSonic. As is well known both Rover P3 and Mitac Mio 338 are "children" of Mitac Company, and I did not see similar switches anywhere, except for handheld computers produced by Mitac. Plus the label on the back cover and the place of manufacture of this handheld computer - China, also direct to ideas about Mitac Company.

The nearest comparison of two handheld computers which have occurred 1 day after writing the first part of this article has shown, that they are not simply similar, but are similar as like as two peas in a pod. The difference is only in the arrangement of buttons on the facial panel. It's spoken, that Rover and ViewSonic have different screens… It did not seem to me. In principle, I would like to give championship to the handheld computer from ViewSonic, because this company initially and seriously specializes on monitors. Actually, there is especially nothing to speak about, all will tell the photos …

Hardware characteristics

Hardware characteristics are standard: Intel PXA250 processor, frequency 206 MHz, 32 mbytes of RAM, 32 mbytes of Flash-ROM. Lithium-polymeric accumulator, transflective screen with the resolution 320x240 pixels, SD/MMC card slot.

As the conclusion

Nevertheless, ViewSonic V35 has some positive features. First, it is really easy: almost half as less again then Palm Tungsten. Second, V35 is equipped with really good transflective TFT screen with backlight, which by quality can be compared only with screens of iPaq handheld computers. And third - birdies, wonderful paradise birdies on the company's logo cannot leave indifferent neither men, nor women, nor children, nor simple users of pocket computers …

Alexander Ereemeev (eremeev@mobile-review.com)
Translated by Andreas Von Horn (andreas@mobile-review.com)

Published - 23 May 2003

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