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Wednesday 13 July 2011

Video: Nokia Live View AR App    [ 13-07-2011 17:57 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: All About Symbian     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The augmented reality bandwagon rolls merrily along with Nokia now jumping onboard with their Nokia Live View service. In terms of functionality it isn't really anything new; it overlays the camera display with relevant information such as nearby restaurants, shops, etc. Indeed this sort of thing has been around for a few years now so why have Nokia decided now is a good time to get going with their own version? To be honest I have no idea. Presumably it will turn up in their new Windows Phone handsets too, but the main question for this app, and to be fair most augmented reality apps, is whether any one cares yet?

Rating: Rating: 1

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RIM Bosses Given 6 Months To Prove Their Worth    [ 13-07-2011 17:51 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Bloomberg     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

... or not.

RIM has been put on notice, of sorts, that it has six months to prove the business necessity of its two co-CEOs Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie. The notice comes from Northwest & Ethical LP who last month threatened to launch a motion to have the co-CEOs removed. They have now decided to suspend that action for six months, explaining "We wanted to give them a chance to prove that there is an actual business necessity".

RIM, for their part, have said that an independent directors committe would be formed to look into the matter and that seems to have prompted the stay of execution. Another firm, Glass Lewis & Co. accused RIM of using this to stall the action, but NEI seems to have been placated for the time being.

It might be tough going for the co-CEO's over the next six months. RIM hasn't exactly been tearing up the asphalt in terms of its presence in the market; market share has been falling, consumers are turning to other brands and RIM's share price has nose-dived by 60% over the past year.

Rating: Rating: 2

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BlackBerry App World Passes Billion Download Mark    [ 13-07-2011 17:31 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Crackberry     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's not often that I get to write something positive about RIM these days, but here we have just that! BlackBerry App World, RIM's app store, has finally managed to reach the glorious heights of a billion downloads. I say finally because it has taken them two years to do so. Maybe that's a little unkind of me considering it took Android approximately the same amount of time to achieve that figure, but then Android has sailed past the billion mark and gone on to greater things since.

To put this achievement in some form of context iOS manages to notch up a cool billion downloads every month (at least it has been doing so for the past six months anyway). That's not to take away from RIM's achievement here, but RIM have been slow to get their app store moving, no doubt hampered by their less than stellar dev relations at times.

At any rate it is nice to see something positive about RIM for a change. Long may it continue ...

Rating: Rating: 3

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Video: Google Updating Market App    [ 13-07-2011 17:27 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Google Mobile Blog     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Google are updating the Market app for those running Android 2.2 or above. The updated app has a new look and a more finger friendly design, but it's the addition of tabs for Books and Movies that are the headline features here.

Renting films looks ridiculously easy, you basically just choose your flick and it starts playing. Can't get much simpler than that. You can also make rented films available for offline viewing in case you won't have constant access to the cloud. As mentioned Books is also now fully integrated into the Market saving you the hassle of using the books app.

You can see some of the features in action in the video below:

Rating: Rating: 2

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