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Monday 28 February 2011

iPhone 5 Panel Suggests 4-inch Screen?    [ 28-02-2011 18:43 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: iDealsChina     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPhone 5 is due to be announced this summer, at least that's the expectation amongst geeks and tech bloggers alike, and of course the rumour mill is starting to ramp up ahead of that expected announcement.

One of the most persistent rumours has been that the next generation iPhone will feature a new, larger, screen than previous models. A recent picture leaked onto the interwebz would seem to confirm that as it shows what is said to be the new front facing panel of the handset. Going by the picture the iPhone 5 should have a 4 inch screen.

However, a bigger screen doesn't necessitate a bigger handset. Looking at the picture the bezel surrounding the screen is thinner than in the current models so it seems to be a case of optimizing the available space within the current handset dimensions.

A larger screen would keep the iPhone's screen competitive, in terms of size if nothing else, with other smartphones, which now regularly sport at least a 4 inch screen, if not larger.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: Dev Demos Improved iOS Notification System    [ 28-02-2011 18:43 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BGR     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

I owned an iPhone for three years and there is a lot to love about it, or I would have used it for so long, but one thing that wasn't so hot was the notification system. Simply put it's crap. It's not just me that thinks that way of course, there are numerous iPhone users who have complained about this part of iOS for some time now.

If you look at just about any other mobile OS they have a better notification system than iOS, I personally find the Android implementation best. With that sort of thinking in mind devs have been coming up with alternatives to Apple's official implementation for a while and the latest work in that area by developer Peter Hajaz is looking pretty damned sweet.

Hajas' system is only available for jailbroken iPhones, but Apple is expected (hoped) to announce a new notification system when they unveil the next big iteration of iOS. Hopefully it looks a little something like this ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Ups Marketplace Free App Limit To 100    [ 28-02-2011 18:27 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft have relaxed their rules on free apps (opened the floodgates some might say) by allowing developers to now submit up to 100 free apps instead of the previous limit of 5 apps.

In the past a developer had to stump up $20 if he wanted to have more than 5 free apps in the Windows Phone Marketplace. That may seem restrictive, and it is I guess, but with good reason because you only have to look at both the iPhone and Android to see copious amounts of crap in their app stores. Many an app is essentially useless, just there to garner some ad revenue dollars and quite frankly a waste of space in terms of its usefulness to the end user.

The Windows Phone Marketplace is much newer than either Apple's App Store or the Android Market and hasn't reached the stage of having hundreds of thousands of apps, but it is growing quickly and with Nokia now onboard the pace of growth will likely pick up further.

It isn't necessarily a bad idea to raise the limit though because even though crapware is bound to creep in there are also plenty of great devs out there who can potentially use this opportunity to get more superb apps out to users. Sadly the latter is almost certainly going to be outnumbered by the former.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Apple Trialling Androidesque Lock Patterns    [ 28-02-2011 18:25 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: 9to5Mac     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The picture above is not from an Android phone, no it is in fact from an iPhone. Long time Android users and long time iPhone users could be forgiven for thinking otherwise since it's never been a lock mechanism employed by Apple, at least publicly that is.

The screenshot comes from an app called AppleConnect, an internal application only available to Apple employees. The lock mechanism you see here basically functions the same as the Android version. Apparently Apple are testing this mechanism on other 'internal tools' so maybe this will eventually see the light of day, but even if it doesn't it does still indicate that this is at least one Android idea that Apple finds useful.

Rating: Rating: 1

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