Samsung Galaxy Note. First Look
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Friday 02 December 2011
Video: BGR Interview With Stephen Elop
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Author: Serge Novikov Source: Engadget Translation by: Paul Smith
For those wondering about where where their own manufacturer or network stands on the Carrier IQ spyware saga Engadget composed a handy list, which we are re-posting below. You can checkto see if your network/manufacturer is listed and what they have to say about Carrier IQ.
We stopped supporting Carrier IQ with iOS 5 in most of our products and will remove it completely in a future software update. With any diagnostic data sent to Apple, customers must actively opt-in to share this information, and if they do, the data is sent in an anonymous and encrypted form and does not include any personal information. We never recorded keystrokes, messages or any other personal information for diagnostic data and have no plans to ever do so.
In-line with our privacy policy, we solely use CIQ software data to improve wireless network and service performance.
Bell doesn't install or support Carrier IQ or similar programs. You may want to connect with the device manufacturers for the industry-wide perspective.
Carrier IQ is not on any of our devices.
We do not have an affiliation with CarrierIQ. Android is an open source effort and we do not control how carriers or OEMs customize their devices.
HP does not install nor authorize its partners to embed Carrier IQ on its webOS devices.
Statement 1: HTC, like most manufacturers, has an opt-in error reporting function built in to our devices. If your phone experiences an error, you have the option of 'Telling HTC' so we can make improvements to our phones. Details about this are in our privacy policy on each device and in order for data to be collected, you have to opt-in. If you do opt-in, we protect your privacy by de-identifying and encrypting the data. HTC is committed to protecting your privacy and that means a commitment to clear opt-in/opt-out as the standard for collecting any information we need to serve you better.
Statement 2: Carrier IQ is required on devices by a number of U.S carriers so if consumers or media have any questions about the practices relating to, or data collected by, Carrier IQ we'd advise them to contact their carrier. It is important to note that HTC is not a customer or partner of Carrier IQ and does not receive data from the application, the company, or carriers that partner with Carrier IQ. HTC is investigating the option to allow consumers to opt-out of data collection by the Carrier IQ application.
Since people are asking -- Windows Phones don't have CarrierIQ on them either.
Nokia is aware of inaccurate reports which state that software from Carrier IQ has been found on Nokia devices. Carrier IQ does not ship products for any Nokia devices, so these reports are wrong.
RIM does not pre-install the Carrier IQ app on BlackBerry smartphones or authorize its carrier partners to install the Carrier IQ app before sales or distribution... RIM also did not develop or commission the development of the Carrier IQ application, and has no involvement in the testing, promotion, or distribution of the app.
Hi all. I'm happy to confirm that we have investigated and Carrier IQ is NOT on any of our devices
Some Samsung mobile phones do include Carrier IQ, but it's very important to note that it's up to the carrier to request that Samsung include that software on devices. One other important point is that Samsung does not receive any consumer user information from the phones that are equipped with Carrier IQ.
Sony Ericsson
Sony Ericsson does not install or support Carrier IQ on its devices. The exception is in the U.S when required by carriers. Sony Ericsson does not receive or gather any information or data collected by Carrier IQ. For questions regarding Carrier IQ, we recommend consumers to contact their operator.
Carrier IQ provides information that allows Sprint, and other carriers that use it, to analyze our network performance and identify where we should be improving service. We also use the data to understand device performance so we can figure out when issues are occurring. We collect enough information to understand the customer experience with devices on our network and how to address any connection problems, but we do not and cannot look at the contents of messages, photos, videos, etc., using this tool. The information collected is not sold and we don't provide a direct feed of this data to anyone outside of Sprint.
Sprint is well known for our serious commitment to respecting and protecting the privacy and security of each customer's personally identifiable information and other customer data. A key element of this involves communicating with our customers about our information privacy practices. The Sprint privacy policy makes it clear we collect information that includes how a device is functioning and how it is being used. Carrier IQ is an integral part of the Sprint service. Sprint uses Carrier IQ to help maintain our network performance.
T-Mobile US
T-Mobile utilizes the Carrier IQ diagnostic tool to troubleshoot device and network performance with the goal of enhancing network reliability and our customers' experience . T-Mobile does not use this diagnostic tool to obtain the content of text, email or voice messages, or the specific destinations of a customers' internet activity, nor is the tool used for marketing purposes.
T-Mobile UK
I can confirm that Carrier IQ software is not and has not been installed on any T-Mobile phones.
To be 100% clear: Carrier IQ is *not* on Verizon Wireless phones.
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Author: Ivanov Konstantin Source: Techmeme Translation by: Paul Smith
Given the scope of the date Carrier IQ's spyware is able to collect it was perhaps inevitable that a lawsuit would appear at some point over the privacy issues it raises. That is exactly what has happened, and it comes just one day after the United States Senate launched an investigation into the affair.
Plaintiffs have filed suits against Carrier IQ, but also handset manufacturers Samsung and HTC. The lawsuits alledge that these companies violated the Federal Wiretap Act in that handsets manufacturers were secretly monitoring and collating data, private data, without permission. If the lawsuits go against the manufacturers they could be fineed $100 for every day that the violations took place.
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