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Monday 28 June 2010

Nokia Posts Guide On How To Hold Your Phone    [ 28-06-2010 16:05 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Nokia Conversations     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia have posted up a very funny piece taking advanage of the whole 'iPhone Deathgrip' saga. Entitled 'How Do You Hold Your Nokia?' the guide takes customers through all the various ways of holding your phone, with positions including 'Thumb and Finger', 'The Cup', to the every tricky 'The Balance'. The guide states that "We’ve found any of the four grips mentioned above to be both comfortable and as you can see, offer no signal degradation whatsoever. This isn’t a feature you’ll only find on high-end Nokia devices either." Nokia don't pass up the opportunity to have a wee dig at the iPhone's numbers, casually dropping in that there are around a billion Nokia devices currently in use around the world and that "Providing a wide range of methods and grips for people to hold their phones, without interfering with the antennae, has been an essential feature of every device Nokia has built." It's funny stuff and well worth a read so make sure you check it out (well maybe not if you are an iPhone 4 user).

Rating: Rating: 2

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Sony Ericsson X10 Rooted    [ 28-06-2010 12:51 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: XDA Devs via SE-NSE     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It's a good day for Sony Ericsson X10 owners ... the handset has now been officially rooted! It's been a long road to the X10 root, with stumbling bloacks along the way, but Jerpelea, biktor_gj and Bin4ry over at (where else?) XDA Developers have done the deed and rooted the beast at last. Of course they have posted up their accomplishment and instructions so you can follow in their footsteps. As always with this type of thing please make sure you read the instructions carefully and that you are comfortable with carrying out a procedure that could brick your expensive smartphone. There were some reports of problems connecting to headset after rooting, but the chaps have addressed that issue. Given Sony Ericsson's long update strategy for its Android handset this will surely bring a smile to the faces of those hoping for some Eclair or even Froyo love.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Video: N900 Gets Froyo Hack    [ 28-06-2010 12:28 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nothing starts the week quite like a nice hack! Here we have none other than the N900 whizzing along merrily with Froyo running the show. As you will see from the video pretty much everything runs and more importantly runs smoothly. The only exceptions being the icons in the status bar. Neveretheless if you have a N900 and fancy botting up some Froyo love now you can. It's a bit of a shame really that Nokia themselves seem to be stubbornly refusing to embrace Android despite the fact that it is proving a huge hit with customers and manufacturers alike. With Nokia's weight behind it Android would be steamrolling along like no other. Alas for now you will have to content yourself with the video below ...

Rating: Rating: 1

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C7 with nHD Display ... Confirmed via Nokia    [ 28-06-2010 11:48 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nokia's own website has been giving up some information like a blushing beauty peeling back her petticoat. The C7 is another device intended to run the forthcoming Symbian^3 OS like it's bigger brother the N8. We say bigger because the C series C7 is likely to be something of a paired down version of the N8 although probably not by that much given that it is the flagship of its class (check the image below). The handset looks to be running with an ARM chip and a 360x640 nHD screen. An 8 MP camera seems likely given the leaked shot we saw recently. The usual HSPA, WiFi and Bluetooth support is mentioned in the XML data on the website too. Obviously there isn't a whole lot of information available on pricing and availability (read none) so you'll just have to be patient if you're thinking of snapping this up.

Rating: Rating: 5

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Steve Jobs: There Is No Problem    [ 28-06-2010 11:28 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: MacRumours     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The iPhone signal loss issue got a little crazier over the weekend as Steve Jobs once again stepped into the fray. Contradicting his own PR department, which had earlier admitted there was indeed a problem, Mr Jobs stated "There is no reception issue." Even if we ignore the fact that Apple had earlier admitted that there was an issue there are also the various accounts from people who have actually bouth an iPhone 4 and who have seen the phenomena for themselves, not to mention the various video of the issue that have been posted to sites like YouTube. Steve Jobs himself had previously told another customer to hold the phone a different way, implicitly acknowledging the problem does exist. So what is Jobs playing at contradicting everyone, including himself?

Well his statement had a little addendum to it, "Stay tuned." What could that mean? Well speculation has it that Apple are releasing a quick firmware update today to address the issue so Jobs' comments could be taken in that light i.e. we've got a fix so there is no issue. Hopefully that proves to be the case for the many people who are experiencing this problem. However, the big worry amongst mnay customers is that this is a hardware issue, for which there would be no easy fix beyond fitting a bumper or other case. That will be fine for some, but others are likely to think it unreasonable to expect them to employ a workaround for a brand new device that has cost them an arm and a leg.

That very notion touches upon another facet of this issue that hasn't been covered much: Apple's attitude. To put it bluntly Apple as a company, and Steve Jobs in particular, have taken a somewhat cavalier atitude towards the matter. Here we have ordinary people who have signed up for long contracts or parted with several hundred pounds/dollars/euros/quatloos/goats/whatever for an iPhone 4 only to find out it has a problem. When they contact Apple and Jobs for help they are given what some might describe as flippant replies. If Apple doesn't have a fix for this issue coming today then they might want to change their approach to their paying customers, even Apple doesn't get a free ride indefinitely.

Rating: Rating: 4

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