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Friday 20 August 2010

Blackberry App World Gets A Reboot    [ 20-08-2010 18:06 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Blackberry's App World has finally caught up with the present and implemeted some much needed features. The latest iteration of the store has at long last done away with the $2.99 minimum price tag for apps, instead developers will now be able to launch apps costing $0.99 and $1.99, which should help to boost sales (as well as app development). RIM have also made it easier to buy apps, both network and credit card billing are now supported, which should again help to boost sales. RIM have also launched Blackberry ID, which will let you use your credit card and, very handily, also allows you to port apps from one Blackberry to another if you are changing handset. The love doesn't stop there though as RIM have been taking a look at how people discover apps and have worked in some new mechanisms for tracking down the app you want. So far all the changes ahev been pretty positive, but as always there's a bit of salt to go with the sugar; RIM are changing their terms when it comes to sharing the dosh with devs. Up until now RIM had operated a policy of taking just 20% of revenues with devs keeping a very healthy 80%. That's changing to the more widely adopted standard of a 70/30 split.

Rating: Rating: 4

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Google Prepping Some Honeycomb Treats For Android    [ 20-08-2010 17:51 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Pocket-lint     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Gingerbread isn't even out yet, but of course that hasn't stopped Google pressing ever onwards with its drive to improve Android. To that end the name 'Honeycomb' has slipped out for what looks to be Android 3.1 or 3.2. The new build is said to focus on those features that Gingerbread (Android 3.0) didn't manage to squeeze into its release schedule. That does indicate a 3.1 or 3.2 tag rather than a 4.0 one, which would be more in keeping with a major new release and shift in focus rather than 'mopping up' the left over features from Gingerbread. It actually sounds akin to the Eclair (2.1) and Feoyo (2.2) release cycle.

There is some speculation over the name Honeycomb with the possibility that the name was deliberately chosen to reflect aspects of the release. For example, Honeycomb may have a honeycomb design in terms of being able to isolate certain sections of the platform's functionality. That could be a boon to manufacturers and networks when it comes time to update Android and those companies look to add their own unique features. Whatever the cae may be it will probably be a good way into 2011 before we see Honeycomb appearing on a handset.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Demos Waypoint App for Win Phone 7    [ 20-08-2010 17:36 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Microsoft recently announced that they will be launching a version of Halo for their forthcoming Windows Phone 7 platform and now they've shown off a Waypoint app for the platform too. For those unfamiliar with the Halo scene Waypoint is basically the Halo community hub that you would use to access things like information, game info, comics and of course tracking for your progress throughout the Halo seriies of games.  The Redmond based company is betting pretty heavily on gaiming to springboard its new platform onto the world stage. The Waypoint app is yet another plank in that strategy and again reinforces and highlights Microsoft's focus when it comes to Windows Phone 7.

Make sure you check out the video, which you'll need Silverlight to view bythe way. If you can get ast the annoying 'hip' camera work there is a fair bit of information there and of course some shots of the app itself.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Video: White iPhone 4 Unboxing    [ 20-08-2010 17:17 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: 9to5mac     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The white iPhone 4 is a bit like nuclear Fusion; long promised, much sought after, but never seeming to quite maange to get itself out of the lab. Well that might be about to change (for the iPhone we mean, nuclear fusion is still decades from a commercial rollout). A video has appeared on the tubes showing the handset being unboxed and it looks like the genuine article. Apple have stated on two separate occassions that the white version of the iPhone was throwing up challenges to manufacturing that they hadn't expected and thus there was a delay. What those challenges are exactly is a point of great speculation amongst the technarati.

Theories range from Apple tweaking the tinting of the white colouring to Apple trying to fix the antenna issue. There are some who wonder whether the delay is deliberate to increase demand for the white version when it finally is released. Surely Apple wouldn't be that cyncical ... ? At any rate 'when' is a very good question in all of this because, simply put, know one but Apple knows yet. For their part Apple are saying 'the end of the year', which is about as vague as they can be. For the moment take a look at the video and think of what may be.

Rating: Rating: 2

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Possible Solution to RIM/India Impasse By Next Week    [ 20-08-2010 15:53 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Some sort of compromise could be on the cars between RIM and the Indian government according to an undisclosed source who has been speaking with Reuters.  Currently the Indian government is demanding that RIM provide them with the ability to intercept and read Blackberry enterprise emails and messages sent using Blackberry Messenger. The government are viewing the situation from a national security perspective, worried that terrorists could use the service to plan attacks similar to those carried out in Mumbai.

RIM currently has a technical team in New Delhi working on the issue with the department of telecoms in India as well as India's security agencies. The unnamed source said "We are expecting they will come up with some solution for Enterprise mail next week." If no solution is found then RIM could find itself thrown out of the Indian market as the Indian government have set a deadline of 31st August for the situation to be resolved to their satisfaction. Blackberry Messenger will be allowed to continue to operate past the deadline since the Indian government say they have been assured of access to that service, but email services would be stopped.

Rating: Rating: 5

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