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Friday 30 April 2010

Official Twitter Client for Android Goes Live ... But Only for 2.1 Users    [ 30-04-2010 22:22 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Gizmodo     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Twitter's official client for Android has been released and is now available in the Market. The official client brings some rather tasty features to the table including the ability to view tweets on a map and through your phonebook as the client syncs up with your contacts. Pretty sweet stuff. There is also a home-screen widget, which we would expect, and lots more besides. The best part is that it's totally free so no excuses for heading straight to the Market and downloading it ... well there is one excuse. You will need Android 2.1 to be able to install and use the official Twitter client so anyone running an older version is out of luck until they get an update to 2.1. Whilst you wait for your update you can check out the screenshots below.

Rating: Rating: 1

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RIM Working on Tablet?    [ 30-04-2010 22:14 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: BBLeaks     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

It seems as if everyone and their uncle is suddenly in on the tablet game now that Apple have released the iPad. Well one company that was rumoured to be releasing a tablet before Apple's iPad was Blackberry, but in the general iPad froth that's sprung up it seems to have been overlooked. Of course it was always just a rumour, there were no concrete details, but according to BBLeaks the tablet is indeed real and will go by the name of 'BlackPad' or 'Cobalt'. They don't have many details as yet, understandably, but they're saying that it will be smaller and thinner than the iPad and will be running an OS that is fully compatible with Blackberry OS. BBLeaks makes a point of saying that they are not saying it will be running Blackberry OS itself. They also mention that RIM has apparently been ordering 8.9" screen from Hon Hai, presumably for just such a tablet project. As you would expect there are no dates, figures or any other details present at the moment, but if RIM are working on a tablet of their own then it could be just the big name to give the iPad a run for its money.

Note: The image below is a mockup of what a potential RIM tablet might look like.

Rating: Rating: 1

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Microsoft Has Apple's Back: Critical of Flash    [ 30-04-2010 22:01 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Here's something you don't see every day ... Microsoft teaming up with Apple. After Steve Jobs' open letter to Adobe taking a pop at Flash a Microsoft executive, Dean Hachamovitch, the general manager for Internet Explorer,, waded in on Apple's side to levy some more criticism on Flash. Whilst acknowledging that Flash's ubiquity gaveit advantages, such as allowing widespread access to video across the web, Mr Hachamovitch went on to say "Flash does have some issues, particularly around reliability, security and performance." He affirmed that Microsoft will be throwing its weight behind HTML5, the same choice Apple has made. Mr Hachamovitch's comments, whilst a blow for Adobe were tempered by a less combatative tone than seen from Jobs, indeed Mr Hachamovitch said that Microsoft is working alongside Adobe to iron out bugs and make sure Flash is secure. Even so, Adobe must still be feleing under pressure with all the recent attention, of the wrong kind, they've been getting. They don't show any sign of giving up the fight though, especially as Google  have planted a flag firmly in their camp, working with them to release Flash on Android handset and bundling Flash with their Chrome browser.

Rating: Rating: 1

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New Firmware for E75    [ 30-04-2010 21:34 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: IntoMobile     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The E75 has a new firmware update, albeit a minor one. As with most updates there are bug fixes and improvements to the handset's stability, nothing too surprising there. However, one fix that is sure to garner some attention from users is an improvement to the keyboard, basically it's a lot more responsive now. There had been reports of the handset missing some keys when the user entered text very quickly, but that's a thing of the past now. The new firmware, 210.12.15, can be gotten at through an over-the-air (OTA) update or if you're the old fashioned sort (or don't have a data plan or WiFi) you can hook your E75 up to your PC and use Nokia's Software Updater.

Rating: Rating: 1

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X10 Mini Coming to Vodafone UK Soon    [ 30-04-2010 21:13 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Back at MWC Sony Ericsson unveiled a bevy of new handsets, which, by and large, drew initial praise and generated a bit of excitement. Something the company badly needs these days. One of those handsets was the X10 Mini, and owing to its diminutive size many were instantly won over by it, the question being when will it be released? Well Vodafone UK look set to release it imminently as the handset has just appeared in Vodafone's May catalogue. The handset should be out therefore by late May or early June. In terms of price the speculation is somewhere just above 200 euros SIM free so expect it a bit cheaper on PAYG and free on a fairly low contract.

Rating: Rating: 1

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LG to Supply Apple with 5 MP Camera Modules?    [ 30-04-2010 18:32 ]

Author: Ivanov Konstantin   Source: TechRadar     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Nothing like an iPhone rumour to start you day! LG are said to be supplying the sensors for the iPhone HD's (if that is what it's called) camera, 5MP sensors at that. LG are allegedly already producing the sensors for Apple, with production ramping up in the second half of this year. It's that last point that makes this tory a bit wobbly because if, as suspected, Apple announces the new iPhone in June or July then surely waiting until the second half of the year to start mass producing the camera sensors is a daft move? LG would be pressed for time, in which to make and supply the sensors to Apple. The improved 5 MP camera part of the story does seem solid enough though, Gizmodo's hands-on showing a flash if not what the new camera's sensor was capable of. The presence of a flash though does show that the camera has received some love so there is no reason to suspect that it won't be 5 MP.

Rating: Rating: 3

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Smartphone Sales Surge 50%    [ 30-04-2010 16:59 ]

Author: Irina Turina   Source: Reuters     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Manufacturers will be pleased with new smartphone shipment figues released by Strategy Analytics which show an upsurge of 50% for Q1 versus the same period last year. Both Apple and Nokia gained market share with the increase, which saw some 54 million smartphones being shipped. That's around 18% of all mobile phone shipments for Q1. It will be heartening for the manufacturers because this is the biggest surge in 3 years and seems to indicate that the effects of the global recession, which had retarded mobile phone sales and forced many manufacturers to downgrade estimates, might finally be loosening its grip. Strategy Analytics said that growth was primarily being driven by network subsidies, increased competition and in a sign that is sure to bolster Nokia and Google "... a growing tide of lower-cost models using operating software like Symbian and Android."

Apple has done well though, seeing its market share jump to 16.4% from just 10.4% last year. For their part Nokia went up to 40% from 38.2%. Blackberry didn't fare quite so well though seeing a small drop from 20.3% to 19.7%. Interestingly enough, and important to point out, Nokia saw that increase in market share come at the expense of margins with its average selling price for its smartphones dropping a fairly hefty 17% from Q4 last year to 155 euros.

Rating: Rating: 3

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  Adobe Strikes Back: Jobs' Claims 'Patently False'    [ 30-04-2010 14:15 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

Yesterday saw Steven Jobs publishing an open letter to Adobe decrying their closed system approach to Flash as well as the actual implementation of Flash on the web and on devices. It was pretty strong stuff even if it did smack of hypocriticism at points. Surely Adobe wouldn't leave that challenge unanswered ... ? Of course not! The Wall Street Journal conducted an interview with Shantanu Narayen, Adobe's CEO, who had quite a bit to say on the matter. Narayen is clearly irritated by the whole spat and calls Jobs' letter a 'smokescreen'. He went on to say that contrary to Jobs' claims Flash is open and criticised Apple's restrictions as 'cumbersome'. Jobs' claims on Flash's detrimental effect on battery life came in for criticism too with Narayen branding them 'patently false' and just to stick the boot in further went on to say that Flash related crashes in OS X have more to do with Apple's OS than they do with Adobe's Flash. Ouch!

Take a look at the video for the full shebang:

Rating: Rating: 5

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Firefox 1.1 Beta for Maemo Arrives    [ 30-04-2010 10:36 ]

Author: Serge Novikov   Source: Engadget     Translation by: Paul Smith    Send news to friend  Discuss in forum

The N900's browsing experience looks to have just gotten bumped up a notch with the news that Firefox 1.1 has gone beta for Maemo. A few of the key features in the new version are listed below, but do remember that it is a beta at the moment, not the final release. For those who don't roll with a N900 it is avilable for other paltforms too; Windows, Mac and Linux.

  • Form auto-complete
  • context menu
  • volume key zoom
  • save pages to PDF

The last feature there seems especially cool. Essentially you can create a PDF of a webpage on the fly, which could be a very handy tool indeed!

Rating: Rating: 3

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